Cubic Cells

The unit cell of a cubic crystal is based on a cube. The loaction of the atoms in the cube determines whether one is looking at a simple cubic cell (scc), face-centered cubic cell (fcc), or body-centered cubic cell (bcc)


A simple cubic cell is a cubic unit cell that has particles on all of the veticies of the unit cell and no where else.

In a body-centered cubic cell, not only are all of the verticies of the cube occupied, but there is also one particle at the very center of the unit cell.

The face-centered cubic cell has particles on each face of the cube as well as at each vertex of the cube.

To rotate the unit cell, grab the model with your mouse (click and hold) and drag your mouse.
To enlarge or reduce the cell hold the shift key while click-dragging your mouse up and down.

These unit cells are not real cells. These unit cells were arbitrarily created simply to show the differences between different cubic cells.