Emergency Preparedness for Faculty and Staff

1. Personal Preparedness

  • In the event of an emergency, information affecting the general campus community will be distributed via the campus notification system. Sign up for emergency notifications here.
  • View the Run, Hide, Fight video on active shooter response.
  • Review campus Emergency Procedures
  • Make your own Emergency Supply Kit: Emergency contact and medical information; Battery-powered flashlight  and NOAA WX radio; Extra batteries; First-aid kit (with prescription medications and hygiene supplies); Full water bottle; High protein and carbohydrate food with long shelf-life
  • Be sure to develop a Communications Plan for family and friends and let them know your status during an emergency. 

2. Before Class Starts (Faculty)

  • Determine what emergency information you will include on your class syllabus such as evacuation routes, assembly location, or resource lists.
  • Consider classroom evacuation.   Check the building evacuation maps for routes and building assembly area (the building assembly area are in the Emergency Guidebook)
  • Know at least two evacuation routes from each of your classrooms
  • Print hard copies of the class rosters and keep with your class materials so that you will know if all students are present after an evacuation.

3. Department Level Emergency Planning

Departments and units can prepare for a variety of emergencies by developing a department/unit emergency response plan. A department/unit emergency response plan identifies a department/unit’s specific approach to emergencies and is meant to compliment the overall campus level campus Emergency Management Plan.

4. Faculty and Staff Members with Disabilities

If you have a disability, notify Human Resources immediately upon beginning work at Westfield State or transferring to a new location. If you have not done so before, make sure to do this now. Evacuation Assistance: Individuals who believe that they may need assistance, even if only on a temporary basis, from emergency personnel to evacuate campus buildings may request that assistance in advance by filling out and submitting the Evacuation Assistance form. If you need assistance leaving a building during an evacuation; notify a co-worker that you will wait by the nearest stairwell. Do not use an elevator during an evacuation. Also, call Westfield State University Police at 413-572-5262 from your cell phone and let the operator know of your exact location.