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Designing and Building Sliceforms in the Classroom

In our paper, Navigating Between the Dimensions (by Fleron and Ecke), we describe ways in which students can design and create their own sliceforms. This is a challenging process that brings them in contact with many important learning opportunities in geometry. This is a really positive opportunity. We would encourage you to have your students create sliceforms in this way, using many different non-electronic tools: Play-doh for modeling; contour gauges; lasers levels or tubs of water to help demonstrate cross sections of irregularly shaped objects; etc. We would also encourage you to consider the site of John Sharp who has championed the resurgence of interest in sliceforms. He has written the definitive books on the subject and keeps a very useful Internet site at
But it is also of interest to think about how sliceform templates can be created electronically.
  All of the models below have been created by students at Westfield State University. Photos are by Fleron and Ecke.  

Further sliceform images can be found on the second page. Click the arrow below.

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