Teacher Resources

Teachers.net - This website provides a variety of free lesson plans, craft ideas, projects, job openings, and teacher chat rooms to get you connected to other teachers
http://atozteacherstuff.com - This website breaks down lesson ideas by themes, and by month. It gives you a variety of printable worksheets, a worksheet maker, as well as forum for discussions with other teachers.
https://www.edutopia.org- This website brings up the controversial topics, and other discussions within education. It provides news articles, as well as places for discussion as to how better education.
teacherspayteachers.com - This website has both content that is free and that you have to pay for. It is a place where creative teachers put up their lesson plans and ideas and other teachers can decide to buy the lesson to use in their own classroom.
https://www.edutopia.org/article/new-teacher-resources-toolkit - This website is helpful to new teachers. It has blogs from previous first year teachers on how their first year went and things they wished that they had done, as well as many resources for new teachers like how to deal with parents, classroom management, and how to intergrate technology into the classroom.
https://www.teachervision.com/teaching-strategies/special-needs - This website is helpful resources on how to help students who have special needs within your classroom. There are lesson plans, teaching strategies, activities, and different themes to plan your lessons around.
https://www.pinterest.com/explore/teacher-resources/ - Even though pintrest has other uses,  teachers put up different things that they use in the classroom that you can use in yours. Teachers have put up different lesson plans, worksheets, awards, teaching tips, and so much more.

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