Lesson Plan
Unit Topic or Themes:
Adding and subtraction with money in
real world situation
Grade level:
second grade
Lesson Topic or Theme:
Shopping with money
Lesson Objectives:
-Students will learn the values and names of coins.
-Students will be able to learn how to add and subtract
money in real world situations.
-Students will be able to learn how to make change with
We will begin by working together
as a class to make sure students know how to identify the values of coins and
dollar bills.
We will then work together as a class, on a worksheet that will
help students figure out if they have enough money to purchase
an item or not.
This is a good opportunity for students to practice how to spend money without
going over their budget.
They will have a chance to use the computer and go on
their own shopping spree. Then they will work in groups on an activity that is
based on the website.
Theoretical perspective:
This information and activity is important for
our students to learn. Learning how to add and subtract money is the most
important part.
Everyday day of our life we add and subtract money. As you get older it’s something students should
become slowly more comfortable with.
Money is something that is never going to
go away in our lives. You will need to
know how add up the amount of money to see if you have
enough money to buy the
items that you want. It is important for
students to develop this trait early in life so they can have a successful
future dealing with money.
A) For an introduction to money, the teacher will
show different coins and review their value and what the coin is called. They
should be able to
identify the names and values of the coins. The students will
also have the coins in front of them to examine them.
B) Then as a class they will complete a worksheet
that helps students with real world situations. Some questions will be do you
have enough
money to buy a certain item. They will have to state if they have
enough money, what there change will be and if they don’t have enough money,
and if they don’t have enough money they need to state how much money they will
need in order to buy the item.
C) Then the teacher will then introduce to the
students the interactive website that we have created. Students should know how to add and subtract
so they should be able to complete the website. If students have questions the
teacher will be around to help, but there is also additional
web site the
students can go to though out the website.
D) The teacher will then break the students up into
groups of four; the teacher will then introduce the activity. The activity is
based on the
website. Students will work together in completing the activity.
A) Our objectives are that Students will learn the
values and names of coins, students will be able to learn how to add and
subtract money in real
world situations, students will be able to learn how to
make change with money. With the class assignments and the interactive website,
we can see if they
understand the material. As a teacher you could give them a
test or quiz to see if they understand the information. At the end of the
lesson if the students
know how to add subtract and make change it would show
the teacher they understand the lesson.
B) Some concerns about teaching money would be that
some students have more experience with money so it would be easier for them to
learn about it.
Some students struggle with math and basic adding and
subtracting so when money is put into play it will be even harder for them to
and take them longer than others to comprehend the material.
We came about picking the lesson by
thinking of what a second grade student should know. We chose money because we found
it easy to make
a lesson about adding and subtracting money. We also thought
that adding and subtracting would be reviewed in this lesson. Money is
something you
need to know how to use and value throughout life. Money is
something that never goes away like some things. The process of a lesson
takes time and effort. It is not something you can just do over
night. It is also going to take practice in order to have a good lesson that
can teach students.
Making a lesson plan you have to take into consideration
all the different types of learners and different strengths and weaknesses
students could have.
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