Banacos Academic Center hosts “Preparing High School Students for College” sessions

Fulfilling a demonstrated area of need, representatives of the University’s Banacos Academic Center hosted several sessions Jan. 10-21, titled Preparing High School Students for College, to assist high school personnel, students, and their parents or guardians in advising students with disabilities. Some 280 individual screens participated overall via Zoom in the one-hour sessions, which included assistance from Disability/Accessibility Services staff from other Massachusetts universities and Westfield State’s Office of Admissions.

The sessions included sharing strategies for students to become independent learners, to advocate for themselves, and to continuously improve their academic skills. “Students with disabilities going to college should understand that they will be expected to perform – and will be assessed – in the same manner as their peers,” said Sarah Lazare, director of the Banacos Academic Center, who shared that participants inquired if the sessions will be an annual event, which is currently under consideration.