Senior Rhynell Christopher appointed rapporteur at National Model United Nations

Rhynell Christopher ’18 of Lancaster, a senior majoring in political science, was chosen to be a rapporteur to the Human Rights Committee at the National Model United Nations. Out of all of those who applied, only 22 individuals were selected to lead the 2,500 delegates at the various committee sessions.

Accompanied by Political Science Professor Brian Steinberg, Ph.D., Christopher traveled to a Model U.N. simulation in New York City, March 25–29, where she interviewed for the position with more than 30 others. She was asked questions about procedure, organization, and her career aspirations by the director and the assistant director of the Third Committee of the General Assembly.

Having participated in 12 Model U.N. simulations as a Westfield State student, Christopher has learned a variety of new skills. “These simulations have pushed me to learn a new language, be culturally aware, think critically, be flexible with outcomes, and be proud that I come from two different cultures,” she said. Since her first time at the National Model U.N., Christopher knew she wanted to apply to be a rapporteur her senior year.

As a rapporteur, she updated resolutions and reports, managed the speakers list; accepted notes from committee delegates and kept track of working groups. She also chaired the committee, which included administering the committee session, accepting points or motions from delegates, managing speakers’ time, and conducting votes on draft resolutions.

“Through my role as a rapporteur, I hope to gain the experience need to land a position at the United Nations as a delegate,” Christopher explained. “My Model U.N. experience helped me to identify international development and relations as a career I plan to pursue.”